Thursday, October 4, 2007

Blood pressure solution?

I had really bad [high] blood pressure so I really cut down on salt, ok well it didn't help, losing weight didn't help, but, it just so happened that I found sea salt and it tasted better; made food taste better, so I started to use it more. My blood pressure went down, Down to Normal.

My adoptive mother had high blood pressure and at times she had blood streaming from her eyes and nose when it topped off to it's highest levels, the sight and treatment made me want to really desire to lower my own Blood pressure. Plus I've already had a stroke, who needs another? To go back to the treatments the docs used to stop my mother's bleeding; they had to stuff chunks of cotton up her nose. EWE!

I decided that the drugs they tried to force on me were not acceptable and I have been losing weight and also I practice some relaxation techniques that seem to help, I basically just stop doing anything and do some very deep breathing. I act like one of those dolls made with rubber bands you pull on the cord and they completely tighten up [inhale soaking up as much air as I can] and on the exhale completely allow head, neck, arms, shoulders, waist to slowly slump and rest thre for a few seconds.

Now I eat foods nicely seasoned with sea salt and I enjoy foods again, And my blood pressure is normal, cooincidence?

Blood pressure is partially a function of the heart strength, but high blood pressure is most generally the result of narrow, inelastic arteries. Narrow arteries come from bad fats in the diet as the arteries accumulate plaque, which is composed of entirely of oxidized fats and oxidized cholesterol--which come from the bad fats in your diet. (For more on that subject, see The Cholesterol Scam.)

Inelastic arteries come from a lack of vitamin C, MSM, and phytochemicals (plus other substances, undoubtedly) that are killed during processing and storage of foods. (Basic Supplements discusses the importance of these nutrients and the reason they're absent from most of foods you eat.)

Narrow, inelastic arteries produce high blood pressure. It's as simple as that. Basically, the heart is pumping fluid through a smaller
pipe that can't expand. That situation shows up as high blood pressure in the doctor's office.

The solution is pretty simple, too: Eat more real food.

Real food isn't processed, so it's nutrients are intact. And the fats in real foods are the natural, wholesome, digestible fats that are arguably the most important nutrients in your diet, because they are responsible for every metabolic process in your body. They're responsible for the operation of the brain and the nervous system, for the transport of oxygen, for the metabolism of insulin, the operation of hormones, and the movement of nutrients to and through your cell walls. (For more information, see Oils and Essential Fatty Acids.)

Unfortunately, the doctor's recommendation to "avoid salt" can lead to avoiding some of the healthiest foods on the planet: fermented foods, like Kimchi, that are prepared by salting the food and allowing it to ferment. (See The Importance of Fermentation and What Makes Kimchi so Healthy?)

When real foods are preserved/fermented, the result is high quantities of vitamin C, MSM, and phytochemicals that are missing in the industrial diet. When coupled with good fats like olive oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, raw butter, (plus eggs and fish, under the right conditions) then high high blood pressure never really becomes an issue.

Of course, any salt that is used should be sea salt. Table salt is bleached to make it white, and "purified" to remove everything but sodium chloride, which eliminates vital minerals like potassium. So using sea salt does make a difference.

The trick is to use unrefined sea salt. There's that old processed foods bugaboo.

Salt is an essence of Life.

Natural Salt is an essential element in the diet of not only humans but of animals, and even of many plants.

Use of natural salt is as old as human history. Natural Salt is one of the most effective and most widely used of all food seasonings and natural preservatives.
Natural salt is a source of 21 essential and 30 accessory minerals that are essential to our health.
According to some sources, other elements are up to 5% of dry ocean salt.
Refined salt contain only 0.1 - 0.5% other elements.

Of course the best thing I've done for myself has been to take:CellPower™, and also I'm using:
FLAX SEED OIL for my colon, but of course FLAX SEED OIL is also a great source of omega-3 essential fatty acids.

I eat whole foods lots of raw, fresh foods, and try to stay pretty active.
Be sure to check out the new interactive health message group healthwatch

(2)Educating Instead of Medicating that Heal and Salts that Kill

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