Friday, September 28, 2007


I was in a pharmacy today to pick up some diabetic test strips, while in line I perused the laxative isle. I checked out the fiber choices. The first one looked good so I checked out the list of ingredients. Get this: a serving is one rounded tablespoon and in this serving are 8 grams of Sugar, SUGAR????? How could they get that many grams of sugar in one Tablespoon? Apparently the whole container is just very expensive sugar. Now the fiber they put in it is tasteless so why the sugar? Many people know that they need more fiber in their diets but to get 25-30 grams one would be eating broccoli and spinach nearly constantly 18 hours a day. So we go to the drugstore to buy a diet aid, because fiber helps you lose weight and get healthier, right? yeah, so they pile on the sugars to thwart us. Not only that but some of the offerings have Aspartame in them, Now this excito-toxin is really hard on the colon even causing ulcers in it, so forget any colon benefits with this product.

But it's ok folks if you get a little constipated from the Aspartame and you develop a hemorrhoid, they also have 'TUCKS' on sale there to relieve it, and lots of really rugged colon dynamite to flush out the bowel so that you aren't all stopped up, oh and by the way, it makes the bowel just a little weaker each time one takes a laxative. Sigh, now for the rest of the story, Yellow dye number [who cares] was also part of the fiber, now what's the big deal about the color of something you are going to chug anyway? Then there's artificial flavor, who knows what is in that. And who wants a 'Tang' substitute anyway? So we are pretty much stuck if you try to get better well there is everything trying so hard to keep you sick. Is this a conspiracy by the AMA, to make more $$ off of us?

Ok, here's another~Yogurt. Did you know they put High Fructose Corn Syrup in that stuff. People buy it to get healthy and to help them lose weight, and there is a substance in it that MAKES ONE CRAVE CARBS ESPECIALLY SWEET ONES~Can you believe this? Not to mention that they pasteurize it to death so that all the lovely healing beneficial bacteria is killed deader than a rock. So All we get is a big fat Nuttin'! And a bad for you nuttin' to boot.

Filling ourselves up with these non-foods causes a nutritional imbalance . We aren't getting what we need and we are getting something that's bad for us. Think of it this way, A car runs on gasoline, if our tanks were empty we don't put just anything in the tank, like say oh...water, because it won't run on water and water will destroy the engine. Feeding our faces with junk and garbage foods is exactly the same.

We are literally starving ourselves to death and we are seeing the results in our hospitals everyday.

There are many more insane foods but you can probably tell me stories about the ones you've found.

I'm getting well with CellPower™, and also I'm using:
FLAX SEED OIL for my colon, but of course FLAX SEED OIL is also a great source of omega-3 essential fatty acids.
Be sure to check out the new interactive health message group healthwatch

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