Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Winter Workouts at Home

Just moving around is so much harder in winter, but our bodies can't just hibernate like bears do, so we must workout indoors to keep our blood sugar levels lowered and our bodies toned and running smoothly. Once again, I have searched the web to find yet anither boon for those who want to improve their health even thought they have Diabetes. I hope this will help you all out there in cyberland.


Winter Workouts at Home
Six Indoor Exercises to Strengthen Your Core

When chilly winter weather keeps you inside, you still have plenty of options for exercise. Take advantage of this season to strengthen your core muscles. You won’t need a lot of fancy (or expensive) gear or equipment. There are many types of exercises you can do that work out your muscles by working against gravity. For instance, Pilates-based exercises use your own weight for resistance and can easily be done at home or wherever you travel. Plus, working out your core throughout the winter will help you maintain your strength and flexibility, so when you return to outdoor activities in the spring, you'll avoid injury. Be sure to check with a health care professional before beginning, or making significant changes to, an exercise program.
Try the six exercises below as a daily workout. Repeat this routine a couple of times each week. You can mix in cardiovascular workouts (walking on a treadmill or inside at the mall) on alternate days.
Strengthen Your Core

I. Leg Raises
Lie on your back with your legs extended straight up.
Rest your arms by your sides or underneath your buttocks.
Keeping your lower back on the floor, lower your legs slowly to a 45-degree angle, then return your legs to the starting position for a count of five seconds.
If you’re a beginner, do one set of eight to 10 repetitions.
If you're more experienced, do two to three sets of eight to 10 repetitions each.
~II. Torso Twist
Lie on your back with your hips and knees bent at a 90-degree angle.
Place your hands behind your head, with your elbows on the floor.
Bring your right elbow toward your left knee, and extend your right leg at the same time. You should be bending from the waist with your left elbow on the ground.
Hold for one second, and then return to the starting position. Complete the set on one side before you go to the other side.
If you’re a beginner, do one set of eight to 10 repetitions.
If you're more experienced, do two to three sets of eight to 10 repetitions each.
Back Muscles

~III. Flat Back Extension
Lie facedown on the floor with your hands at your sides, next to your hips.
Not using your arms, slowly raise your shoulders and chest off the floor about four to six inches.
Hold for one second, keeping your lower body relaxed and your head in line with your upper body.
If you’re a beginner, do one set of eight to 10 repetitions.
If you're more experienced, do two to three sets of eight to 10 repetitions.
~IV. Kneeling Back Extensions (Cat-Camel)
Start on your hands and knees with your weight squarely over your wrists and knees.
Round your back, tucking your chin to your chest and your hips under.
Scoop your belly and press up like a camel. Hold for five seconds.
Exhale and reverse, arching your back and sinking into your shoulders like a cat. Hold for five seconds. Do 10 times.
Waist/Love Handles

~V. Side Bend Without Weights
Stand straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding your chin parallel to the floor. Interlock your fingers behind your head, with your elbows pointing out.
Turn your head to the right, looking over your right shoulder. Slowly bend to the right, keeping the arms in place.
Repeat, turning to the left side.
If you’re a beginner, do one set of eight to 10 repetitions per side.
If you're more experienced, do two to three sets of eight to 10 repetitions per side.

~VI. Side Bend With Weights
Stand with legs shoulder-width apart, hands extended to each side, holding a dumbbell (two to three pounds).
Bend slowly to the right side and hold for three to five seconds.
Repeat, turning to the left side.
If you’re a beginner, do one set of eight to 10 repetitions per side.
If you're more experienced, do two to three sets of eight to 10 repetitions per side and use 3- to 5-pound dumbbells.

*Exercise Improves Blood Sugar
*Exercise Planning: Safety Comes First
*Preparing for Your Workout

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(1) http://diabetescontrolforlife.com/active_living/content.aspx?p=winter_workouts

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