Sunday, September 23, 2007


I've spent the last 4 decades searching and researching natural health and healing strategies to find out what works, I've used myself as a guinea pig in all this time. I've tried hundreds of supplements and highly touted health products. Never in my entire life have I found a product like CellPower™
cell power just works!

It works by Cellular Oxygenation and Detoxification and it may be useful for people who suffer from the following conditions:
Allergies pH imbalances Emphysema Indigestion Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Kidney infections Chronic fatigue syndrome Skin disorders Bronchial asthma Arthritis and joint pain Short-term memory loss Fibromyalgia Viral, fungal, and bacterial infections Muscle pain

It also helps to normalize the pH of my body. An Acidic body is a sickly body and one that will develop a major dis-ease very quickly and the death process will begin. cell power will de-acidify the body and cause it to be in a normal alkaline condition, [7.25].


If you want to know more check out The pH miracle "The revolutionary, proven diet program that empowers readers to take control of their health is now in paperback. Forget counting calories, fat grams, and cholesterol. Forget blood pressure, blood sugar, and hormone levels. The single most important health measurement is the pH level in the blood. THE pH MIRACLE unlocks the surprisingly crucial role pH balance plays in weight loss. For example, if the blood becomes overly acidic from eating too much of the wrong foods--wheat, meat, and cheese--it can lead to weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and more. The Youngs' proven program in-cludes over 150 recipes and explains which foods to eat, which to avoid, and which supplements can help on the way towards optimal health and weight loss. In just weeks, readers will find they have more energy and will have shed pounds and inches."

There's so much more to it, this may sound glib but I assure you it is not. There is much real research in this testimonies of countless healed patients.
If you don't want a diet of broccoli and apples try cell power instead.

I know it works, after 6 months of this diet I've been on I've fallen off ye old wagon a few too many times but as soon as I got back to my low carb diet my blood sugar reverts to normal levels. I know soon I'll be able to quit taking the cell power because my blood sugar levels will be normal as will the A1C, my triglycerides will be low, the HDL higher and the LDL lower, and I will be healthy again! Already the FM has receded into nearly a memory, the allergies are not nearly the problem I used to have, my gums and teeth are so much healthier, and my blood pressure is nearly normal.

I could not recommend a product I don't believe in and I believe in CellPower™
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I also take:
~coconut oil

for the Omega-3~6 balance and losing weight
~Essential fatty acidsfor better health.

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